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December 2022 - Gratitude

Thank you to all the families who read the November Healthy Relationships blog and tried out the activities. Art Smith students have learned so much about how to be a good friend and how to identify the signs of a healthy vs. unhealthy relationship. 

For the month of December all the schools in our Division are focusing on gratitude. Research has proven that giving thanks can improve your overall mental health, and that gratitude is strongly linked to more positive emotions, better resiliency skills and stronger relationships. Some of our students have been working hard at creating a song about gratitude.

Here are the lyrics: Gratitude Song Lyrics

Listen to it here: ASAA Gratitude Song

Our Elementary students will be reading Those Shoes by Maribeth Boelts and discussing the big and small things in our lives we are grateful for. Here is a link to the YouTube Read Aloud Book - Those Shoes

Doing Random Acts of Kindness has shown to boost confidence and mood. When people are on the receiving end of good deeds, they are more likely to repeat these deeds onto others. Here is a December Random Acts of Kindness Calendar that was created in hopes of some families spreading some Holiday joy.

Kindness Calendar 

Keeping a regular Gratitude Journal encourages us to acknowledge the good things we might otherwise take for granted. It allows us to have mindful moments which in turns lowers stress. Take a look at a few pages of a Gratitude Journal I created, but so many other great journals are available online for free.

Gratitude Journal

If you’re looking for a purposeful activity for family night, look no further than my Gratitude Dice game. Maybe winner gets to be the recipient of a Random Act of Kindness.

Gratitude Dice Game

Are Word Scrambles your jam? Is your child struggling with spelling and learning new words? Make learning more engaging using this Word Maker Fun.

Word Maker

For more resources, check out the Gratitude page of the NLPS website.

If you would like me to connect with your child or your family, you can contact me at the school at (780) 594 1404 or by email at

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