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April 2023 - Self-Awareness

Thank you to all the families, who continue to check out the monthly blogs.

Northern Lights Public School’s Division- Wide Theme for April is Self Awareness. defines Self Awareness as “your ability to perceive and understand the things that make you who you are as an individual, including your personality, actions, values, beliefs, emotions, and thoughts.” There are so many positive outcomes to being more self aware, including positive mindset, improved self confidence, enhanced optimism.

Self-reflection is defined by as understanding who you are and what you feel. It means getting to know your values, your strengths, your weaknesses, and why you think and act in certain ways. Self- reflection is an important part of self-awareness, as the more time we can spend trying to understand our thoughts and feelings the better we will understand who we are.  Check out the following self-reflection article to get you started on your self-awareness journey

Self Reflection Article

Self Awareness starts with people being able to identify how they’re feeling. Emotion check-ins help us to identify the feeling, but also the intensity of that feeling. We cannot manage a feeling if we cannot recognize it. If you want to change how you feel later, you need to start with how you're feeling now because if you don’t know how you’re feeling you can’t do anything about it.

Daily Emotion Check-In

Many schools in the Division will be completing a “DNA” reflection worksheet with their staff and students. It enables individuals to recognize their Dreams, Needs and Abilities, which in turn increases self awareness and supports personal growth. Here is an attached template, feel free to complete this activity at home with your families. 

DNA Sheet

Journaling is a fantastic way for anyone to stop and take a few minutes to reflect on their day, their behaviors, and their actions. Doing so leads to increased self awareness, and if doing this activity at night, will likely help with sleep. Here are some journaling prompts to help you start this process.

Self-Awareness Journaling

For more resources, check out the Self-Awareness page of the NLPS website.

me at the school at 780-594-1404.

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